Some more or less random comments:
• Using Beat Mapping with Flex has to be 'a can of worms', because they do two opposite things. There are many combinations of what the user wants to do that definitely may cause confusion for poor Logic, which doesn't know if we want to adjust the grid/tempo to the audio (Beat Mapping), adjust the audio to the tempo (Flex) or both.
Now, if turn on Flex and set any track to slice, it's already a big mix of orange and green, before I've added or moved any Flex markers.
How do I just get a tempo map and get rid of all the orange?
Orange means that audio has been stretched/altered, which Flex pretty much is about. Even if Flex and Beat Mapping would be 100% perfectly implemented, Logic doesn't know what you want to do...
• Group tracks if you want to edit tracks that belong to each other.
• (Take single tracks out of that group/use Group clutch later, if needed)
• Don't add Flex markers if you don't have to.
• If you want to remove more than one Flex marker, consider using Remove all Flex Markers, or Remove All Manually Created Flex markers.
But if I turn on Flex and select "slicing", the audio completely realigns to the tempo track, before I insert a single marker.
There are transient markers in there even if you haven't added Flex markers...
Logic 8 used to have the "Follow Tempo" region parameter. Is this now gone completely in favor of Flex?
Follow Tempo is there still.... Flex is a newer, better and different feature, which is better at making regions follow tempo and about adjusting lengths of regions or parts of a region according to the tempo list and to manual 'instructions' from the user.
Maybe Flex'ed regions should have a Follow Tempo button as well.
I just wish there were some way to tell Logic, "leave the audio alone--play back exactly as recorded".
To get that: set Flex to Off for that track.
Or: delete all flex/transient markers/reset the region length so it matches the original length (there should be a key command for this).
if deleting the tempo info didn't help
I also have the feeling that Logic doesn't always remove all tempo info from a region even if I use "Remove Tempo Information from audio file".
The whole experiment (and can of worms!) is documented in this video:
It would sometimes have been a litte easier to understand what you do if the video would show a larger portion of the screen...
the reason why you couldn't get rid of the first tempo marker is that you did not trim the regions and move the first beat to before you started beatmapping.
IMHO Logic should do this when the user tries to (using Beat Mapping) drag barline 1111 to the first played note in the region. That doesn't happen here.
Still, for some reason - Logic often behaves more as I expect it to if I manually place the region where I want it to start before I do anything.
[*]Tempo markers in the audio file act as borders for Flex, they restrict time shifting and cannot be moved with Flex tools.
Maybe Logic needs a feature that does this with one click, with a name that explains how this somehow protects a regions from unexpected stuff?
You did not export the tempo map to the audio file.
I've never done that myself.... when is it needed? If it's needed in certain situations, maybe a dialog box could pop up in these situations and ask if the user wants to do it (and why he should)?
Lots of useful response from Peter here, but/and I'm sure the confusion documented by jstaczek's video can be very useful for the developing team to see how things can be made easier. One example of potential simplification: an optional window that contains all the Flex-relevant commands which now, in some cases are 'hidden' in various menus (eg in Options>Tempo).