Logic Pro 9 Running Logic on 1 Mac but 2 accounts


is anyone using Logic Pro on another account ? I'm having troubles with one software that does not work on my main account but works fine (stand alone)
on another account so I was thinking about using Logic on a different account.
Will the plug ins work fine or can I expect to get troubles ? To sum it up this would be one user, one Mac but with 2 accounts. I'd appreciate any info you have 🙂

Should be OK. Your 3rd party plugins, instruments and any other stuff like fonts, would either need to be installed in the main library (the system library, not just the main user's library), or also in the other user library.

Some software has "allow all users" as an option when you install.
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I have run two for years. Two system disks, two installations, one kept "clean" of anything but Logic and audio apps, the other has Logic on it, along with normal computing stuff. No problems, both update fine, no conflicts.
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A new user account is a good way to isolate and identify problems. If any program starts crashing or behaving badly, create a new user account and try the offending app from there. The new user account comes with a fresh set of system and application prefs that could be acting up in the main account. Sounds like what may be happening with the "one software" you mentioned, yore.
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I'm running Logic on 2 accounts with no problems so far. I have main user account on which I do all the general computer stuff. I've created an extra account for Logic with minimal startup objects, background processes and other clutter.
Works fine for me.
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Thank you all for educating me 🙂 Just one question, did you register Logic on that second account ? and if you did, was that problem free ? I still have not used my second account but if I get really desperate about using this software (beta testing it) then I could try using it on that account. Thanks 🙂
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Logic is not registered to any particular user account. The installation requires an Admin user, but the default install location is available to all users on that machine. The software is registered to the software's owner, and it can be installed on as many machines as the EULA allows. (Usually one machine only, but sometimes a desktop and a laptop is allowed, provided they are never used simultaneously.) If you own the machine, it makes sense to install all your software while logged in as the owner account, and register the software *to* yourself. Then use the software on as many user accounts *on that machine* as you like. That does not violate the EULA.
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