Logic Pro 9 Score Editor Tutorials



I've been using Logic since 1998 and until now I'd never had any need to learn the score editor. I'm totally lost. Are there any adequate lessons/tutorials out there that could give me some of the basics of the score editor? I'm more of a watch, repeat, learn person than a read, research, learn person. Reading the manuals makes my head swim, really. Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Pro 9.1.6, iMac i7 with 8G Ram.
Thank you Eli. You have replied to me almost everytime I've posted on LUG. I'm downloading it as I reply to you. I looked at it quickly on the Groove 3 page and looks like it's exactly what I'm looking for you. Thank you again!

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Sorry Eli,

I was actually looking at another tutorial and the one I was looking at said it could be streamed to the iphone. Can the 'score editor explained' be streamed to MY iphone?

Again Tim
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I I may reply for Eli, you can stream that tutorial series to your iPhone. I just tried it. If you end up with the iPhone navigation interface, you must have Block pop-ups turned off (in Safari preferences) or you'll get nowhere quickly....

FYI, I think most if not all their tutorials will work on the iPhone.
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Yeah, got it going on my iPhone! Thanks Doug. Great stuff. I already watched the first 3 Getting Started videos and I know this is going to work great. Thanks for this great piece of teaching info!

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....I'm more of a watch, repeat, learn person than a read, research, learn person. Reading the manuals makes my head swim, really. Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Pro 9.1.6, iMac i7 with 8G Ram.

As a "watch, repeat" learner you're going to greatly benefit from Doug's Score Editor tutorial from Groove 3.

This tutorial does not contain fluffed up "tutorials for dummies" content. It's jam packed with useful information from start to finish. And the video format makes it easy to review when needed, which is frequently in my case. 😉
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