Logic Pro 9 Scroll Bar - Zoom - Need Help

The scroll bars will appear as you start to scroll with your fingers or mouse.

You can turn them back on by going to System Preferences>General>Show scroll bars>Always.

Apparently the visual appearance and behavior of Lion is in line with mobile devices with their use of finger gestures to navigate. Scroll bars take up space on limited screens.

Weird at first, it doesn't long to adjust to how it works.

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There you go - words from a Lion user. (Thanks Wally.) I'm still waiting to switch.

Many people never use the zoom sliders (I don't). If you still you a mouse (I do) try using option plus scroll wheel for vertical zoom, and option command plus scroll for horizontal zoom. This can work on touch pads as well, dependent on set up.
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Cool tips reminder about the scroll wheel + modifiers. :thmbup:

Definitely a wise move to wait.
At this point, 10.6.8 is sort of a sweet spot in terms of running old (PPC) and new (Intel only) apps.

I have tons of Appleworks 🙂D) documents that I still need to access. Same for an old graphics program: Canvas. It was nice to be able to open those programs in SL when needed, then move on to the latest and greatest.

Most of that stuff has been future-proofed :errr: but I still have a tiny SL partition just in case...
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