Logic Pro 8 Showing automation in arrange page



When I use cc# for automation with Trillian how do I get the automation to show up with the rest of the automation in the arrange window. For example if I use cc# 118 I can't see. I select it but the automation curve/nodes are not visible. I click the triangle to see all used automation but I see nothing. I hear it and Trillain sliders/knobs are moving but it's not visible so I can't do edits.

Thanks for any help,

There are two types of automation:

RBA -> Region based automation
TBA -> Track based automation

If you just send CCs from the outside, they get written into the region itself and you can edit them via Hyperdraw. This is region based automation.

When you assign your message via Controller Assignments to a parameter, the automation gets written to the track. This is track based automation.

Controller Assignments do not work for all third party software. Therefore you cannot instantly use TBA for everything by sending MIDI to Logic.

It is however possible to transfer RBA to TBA and vice versa. Both have pros and cons, your milage will vary. In Logic 8 you find the functions in the "Options" menu:

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