Sound Diver integration


I'm one of the old sound diver owner
i still miss it a lot.....
basically the lack of sound diver is the main reason i've stopped using all of my external machines.

It would be nice to have it integrated within logic, also to respect old sd owners that can't use it anymore.

there is already a bit of it inside logic, the control surface setup windows is very similar to the sound diver one...
This will never happen now... we were beating our heads against the wall to get it years ago.
Might be time to get into autosampling....
fyi i've bought midiquestxl last year, it simply ROCKS!! also the programmers are very friendly and have fixed some synthesizers issues in a couple of days, pretty unbelievable in these days 🙂
give it a try if you have some external machines 🙂
I use MIDIQuest XL and I confirm that this software is a real monster of power regarding the management of external MIDI equipment and the support is utmost!

However, I would love to see a better implementation of external MIDI data (especially the patches) and 3rd party plugins ones integrated in Logic, something similar to what they have for the Apple Loops...