New Member
I am using Stylus RMX for the first time with this setup. I can't get Logic to communicate with Stylus.
Can you explain 'this setup', and what precisely you have done, else all we can do is guess, and our guesses will likely be all wrong, as normally it should work...
SYSTEM.pngUsing with Logic 10.7.9. Unfortunately I cannot identify my version of Stylus. All other plugins work in the project.
and what precisely you have done
Lacking this ever important info, I have to keep guessing. You:

- open a Logic Project
- select an instrument channel
- select Stylus from the instrument menu

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-31 um 09.09.25.png

- Stylus' splash screen pops up and you can play sine tones with your keyboard

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-31 um 09.12.07.png

- click in that window so the Multi page pops up

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-31 um 09.12.17.png

- click on a part's name field to get to the directory browser for that part

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-31 um 09.12.37.png

- select the Library+Suite+Element you want and off you go

That's possibly the shortest manual on how to use Stylus. Now you specifically *tell* where on that list you get stuck and how.