I'm gettting random bursts of static on play back in a project that I completed months back. Thinking that I may have introduced something the last time I worked on it, I went back further and played back an earlier backup. Same problem. I played back a different recent project, no problem. The only thing I am aware of changing in my system is the swamping out of an Edirol FA-66 for an Apogee Duet. The last time I had a similar problem it turned out to be a corrupted project template, but in that instance it affected every project I had created with that template. Not so this time. The Duet has worked flawlessly on my system so far. (iMac 24", 2.8, 4 gigs ram, OS 10.5.7, Logic Pro Studio 8.2, Battery 3, FM8, Zebra 2.3, Melodyne plugin, Amplitube 2, CSR reverbs, Ozone 3, Soundsoap 2, Spectron.) Thanks,