Terratec Phase X24 wont show up in Snow Leopard


New Member
Hi all !
Since I upgraded to SL my Phase X24 soundcard ceased working. No info on Terratecs webpage, and no Mac drivers at all. I think core audio should take care of everything like it used to, but anyway I managed to find a control panel that i installed, but it didn' solve the problem. Is this a SL problem or some other incompatability. Anyone out there that can help me on this.


MacBook Pro (-07),
Logic Pro 8
Looks like their drivers were PPC code. Snow Leopard removes the rosetta app that allowed Intel Mac's to use older code.

Their web site mentions a G4 800 Mhz Mac as minimum... a very old G4 Mac, 2 cpu generations old. Looks like you are going to have to upgrade your audio card, or rollback your OS.
Hi George!
Ok, that explains it. I think I'll go back to Leopard then cause I really like that sound card and it has worked like a clock until upgrading. A pity Apple had to trash Rosetta. I wonder if it was because of technical matters or if they just wanted people to take new steps and upgrade their apps and hardware.
Thanks for your quick answer.
/ Anders