I know, I'm kind of trolling here but I'm extremely frustrated that I cant figure out how to filter midi output data for a retrofitted synth which goes haywire when sent clock signals. Beyond that, I have no need for an arpeggiator or a signal splitter and thats all the tutorials seem to highlight. I've read the manual and understand what the individual parts do but none of them seem to be all that useful to me. Additionally, what's the point of creating virtual instrument representations of your hardware synths within the environment if all you can do with it is name the presets. I feel like I've been getting used to Logic's seemingly counterintuitive workflow thinking it would eventually pay off once I 'got' the environment and now that I'm getting it, I'm realizing that it's not really as cool as everyone thinks it is. I really hope I'm missing something here. Please someone prove me wrong! 
I WILL hail the sysex capabilities though. Thats awesome that you can, in the environment, create basically what a guy like me would have to wait for some developer to create as a VST sysex editor. Anyone have an idea how to filter clock on an individual object?

I WILL hail the sysex capabilities though. Thats awesome that you can, in the environment, create basically what a guy like me would have to wait for some developer to create as a VST sysex editor. Anyone have an idea how to filter clock on an individual object?