While working in a studio, specifically doing mastering in Pro Tools, I could pull up three tracks (a ref, song a, and song b). I was also working on an digidesign Icon control console. If I wanted to switch from track to track, there was a mode built into the console so that the following could happen.
I would begin by soloing the ref track, so that only that tracked played and nothing else. By pressing the solo button on the control console for song a, it would automatically unsolo the ref and only solo song a, meaning only song a would play. From here i could solo any track and only that one would play making it easy to reference different tracks with the press of just one button and keeping the unsoloed tracks unheard.
Get it?
I was wondering if you knew how to build this into the logic 9 environment so I could achieve the same thing. For me, however, I am not tryin to map the controls to a midi controller or keyboard, merely just by clicking the solo button in the mix window. For now, that is all I would like to do, by just making this happen by clicking the solo for a track and having the others be unsoloed, and being able to move from track to track. Maybe even assign the solo action to keys on my keyboard (for example pressing z to solo track 1, x to solo track 2, c to solo track 3, etc or something like that).
I also have an axiom control keyboard that could be used to map, but for now I was wondering if you could inform me on how to do this with just my computer and mouse.
I would begin by soloing the ref track, so that only that tracked played and nothing else. By pressing the solo button on the control console for song a, it would automatically unsolo the ref and only solo song a, meaning only song a would play. From here i could solo any track and only that one would play making it easy to reference different tracks with the press of just one button and keeping the unsoloed tracks unheard.
Get it?
I was wondering if you knew how to build this into the logic 9 environment so I could achieve the same thing. For me, however, I am not tryin to map the controls to a midi controller or keyboard, merely just by clicking the solo button in the mix window. For now, that is all I would like to do, by just making this happen by clicking the solo for a track and having the others be unsoloed, and being able to move from track to track. Maybe even assign the solo action to keys on my keyboard (for example pressing z to solo track 1, x to solo track 2, c to solo track 3, etc or something like that).
I also have an axiom control keyboard that could be used to map, but for now I was wondering if you could inform me on how to do this with just my computer and mouse.