Logic Pro 8 Transform Sets?


Hello -

Sorry for the undoubtedly obvious question, but I can't seem to find
this information in the documentation:

How does one delete a user-created Transform Set?
Also, how does one re-order the existing user-defined Transform Sets?

Thank you for any info...

Sorry for the undoubtedly obvious question, but I can't seem to find this information in the documentation:

How does one delete a user-created Transform Set?
Also, how does one re-order the existing user-defined Transform Sets?

No apology necessary-that's not obvious at all! I believe the answer is that you can't do either...

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Sorry for the undoubtedly obvious question, but I can't seem to find this information in the documentation:

How does one delete a user-created Transform Set?
Also, how does one re-order the existing user-defined Transform Sets?

No apology necessary-that's not obvious at all! I believe the answer is that you can't do either...


Oh, no! Then I have a mess as the ones I've created are in no Logical order at all.

Transform Sets strike me as one of the unsung heroes of Logic. It would be nice to be able to sort them, organize by category into submenus, etc...
Maybe not too many people bother, but I find transform sets to be an immense time saver...

Just a few I have created that I use all the time:
- Randomize Velocity +-10
- Randomize Velocity +-5
- Randomize Note Length +-5 ticks
- Delete all Meta data
- Delete all program changes
- Delete Controller data
etc etc etc....

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