Logic Pro 9 Upgrading from 8 to 9


New Member
Hi all

My first post and so apologies if I've not followed the desired protocols.

Been using studio pro 8 for a wee while now and got hold of an unused upgrade pack for logic 9
However, whenever I've tried to upgrade I keep getting the warning serial number not recognised (after I've added the upgrade serial and have been asked to input the original serial number)
I know that the serial is good as logic 8 is working and registered with apple

Any ideas?????


I recall I had the same problem, a long time ago. I tried a zillion things: entering the SNs the wrong way around, using my Logic 5 dongle, and a load of other things. Somehow I stumbled on something that worked, but I can't recall what it was, just that it made no sense. I'm pretty sure it got some mention on the forum, and a search with the right keywords might unearth something.
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