Logic Pro 9 URGENT! MIDI no longer records


This project has MIDI and Audio all over it - not extremely so, but a lot of work has gone into it.
Suddenly I can no longer record any audio instrument.
The track is in Record mode, the clicks and ports are correct, the Transport MIDI monitor shows every key I strike on the controller keyboard, but no region is created.

'Clicks and Ports' in the environment is correct and the Environment MIDI monitor shows correct note data and is connected to the sequencer object.

The previous version of the song works just fine, but I've added a lot of new stuff.

'New Song' records just fine.

I've even imported the environment from the previous song - to no avail.

Deadlines are here, I'm pretty desperate. any ideas?

the thing is - I don't even have the autopunch button on my transport since I have my own technique for dropping in - I always use parallel tracks - I find it easier.
But from now on, I'll have the punch button on my transport, just so I can see that it's inactive

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