Is anyone using the EW Symphonic choirs with Word Builder as a Plug in in Logic Pro 9.1.7?
The problem is that while setting up the choirs one enters the Lyrics and the clicks on a button marked "Learn", then a window opens that asks one to play the melody, as long as that play melody window is open all controls in Logic are disabled, it just flashes a quick bright white light when I press the space bar or the playback button in the transport until I stop the learn process of the choirs.
I thought if I could just play the melody on my midi keyboard it should work-alas,somehow the connection is broken when that choir Learn window is open. When I close it[ cancel the learn function] all controls are back and I can play the melody on the keyboard. I tried creating a duplicate track and using the ESX classical female vocal ensemble to play the melody but that only gave me the sounds of the Classical female vocal Ensemble, not the vocals and Text from the EW CHoirs.
I should think that only people using this combination might know the answer, so don't make the effort to reply if you don't use this combination or understand the problem,thanks.
The problem is that while setting up the choirs one enters the Lyrics and the clicks on a button marked "Learn", then a window opens that asks one to play the melody, as long as that play melody window is open all controls in Logic are disabled, it just flashes a quick bright white light when I press the space bar or the playback button in the transport until I stop the learn process of the choirs.
I thought if I could just play the melody on my midi keyboard it should work-alas,somehow the connection is broken when that choir Learn window is open. When I close it[ cancel the learn function] all controls are back and I can play the melody on the keyboard. I tried creating a duplicate track and using the ESX classical female vocal ensemble to play the melody but that only gave me the sounds of the Classical female vocal Ensemble, not the vocals and Text from the EW CHoirs.
I should think that only people using this combination might know the answer, so don't make the effort to reply if you don't use this combination or understand the problem,thanks.