using automap


Follow the set up instructions carefully.

See this:
Look at the attached Hook up screen grab.

I would initially set up Automap with Logic in 32 bit mode to be authorized by Logic's plug-in manager.

If you are going to run Logic in 64 bit mode, then make sure you check on "Use Logic 9 64-bit friendly Audio Units" in the Automap Preference. Otherwise, Logic will rescan all of your plug-ins each and every time you start up Logic.


  • 64 bit.png
    64 bit.png
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  • hook up.png
    hook up.png
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I strongly reccomend that you follow religiously the procedure as described in the Novation Automap installation that came with your keyboard!
No place for improvisation here!
Otherwise it is almost certain that you will be a good Tylenol customer, and that you will end up having to go through the book-step-by-step procedure anyway...

Here is a previous post regarding the Automap update procedure that you will eventually have to go through, it also include some other useful information, especially if you use more than one type of MIDI controller.

May I also suggest that you post your setup info in your signature...
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i need to uninstall automap 4 as i sent my novation impulse back as it was faulty, but i cannot fully uninstall and now when i go to install new disc it will not let me any help would be grateful