Logic Pro Using ipad with sample libraries

Ian Sainsbury

New Member
Hi all, first post so be gentle 😉
Just starting to use Logic Pro x properly, working my way through David Nahmani's excellent book. I've been writing music for many years, but this is the first time I've started to make real headway with software. I've just purchased Spitfire Audio's Albion orchestral sample library and will be using it to write library music initially.
I have an iPad Air and would like to use it to control articulations instead of key switching and mod wheels. Is this something people are doing and - if so - what apps are you using and what are the best uses you've found for it? I've bought midi designer pro for the ipad and the iconnectmidi2 to pass midi and audio through to Logic, but my midi education is shamefully patchy and a trawl through YouTube hasn't turned up much of value yet.
Any advice would be very much appreciated, thanks.
I have a 2011 MacBook Pro, 128gb ssd running Logic Pro x and kontakt 5 player, ext FireWire drive running Albion.
You can configure Smart Controls for the instrument.

Then using the Logic remote app you can record the automation of the articulations.

I use this method for recording automation for effects.

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