I'm a C+ level singer but in certain vocals ranges I'm pretty spot on pitch wise. Think Eric Clapton range.
I'm a complete DIY guy with moderate but name brand equipment but it seems like when I record Vocals, the lead vocal always seem to playback "pitchy." I'm 60 yrs old so voice lessons are unlikely to help.
What I am looking for is advice on recording technique. Tips like should I get in closer to the Mic, further away? Reverb, or no? EQ level? Maybe there is a mic:recording tip site or something?.
I'm a complete DIY guy with moderate but name brand equipment but it seems like when I record Vocals, the lead vocal always seem to playback "pitchy." I'm 60 yrs old so voice lessons are unlikely to help.
What I am looking for is advice on recording technique. Tips like should I get in closer to the Mic, further away? Reverb, or no? EQ level? Maybe there is a mic:recording tip site or something?.