Wish: Logic should have a voice allocation feature (as does Digital Performer).
Each track can be assigned a voice, which can be activated (enabled) or deactivated (disabled) accordingly. An active voice means that audio resources are "on" for that track, including allocation of memory and CPU. This includes activating the instantiated plugins, and loading the samples of sampler instruments.
Such a feature is especially useful when working with large projects and templates. Consider a large orchestral template with hundreds of tracks, each with an instantiated sampler instrument. The template could have all the tracks deactivated (voice) by default. Thus loading the template would be very fast, and with minimal CPU and memory usage. One then simply activates the voices for the tracks as needed, and the respective plugins and samples load for just those tracks.
- mk3
Each track can be assigned a voice, which can be activated (enabled) or deactivated (disabled) accordingly. An active voice means that audio resources are "on" for that track, including allocation of memory and CPU. This includes activating the instantiated plugins, and loading the samples of sampler instruments.
Such a feature is especially useful when working with large projects and templates. Consider a large orchestral template with hundreds of tracks, each with an instantiated sampler instrument. The template could have all the tracks deactivated (voice) by default. Thus loading the template would be very fast, and with minimal CPU and memory usage. One then simply activates the voices for the tracks as needed, and the respective plugins and samples load for just those tracks.
- mk3