Waves vocal rider or alternative users?


I've been watching some new vids at groove3. The instructor is using the waves vocal rider. Anyone using this with Logic and if so how do you like it? I kind of wrote it off when it first came out but plan on trying out the demo. I found a good price on it but was curious if there's anything else out there (audio unit) that does the same thing, besides me of course!
Awesome, once you get the hang of it.

It can really help when doing a mix, and wanting the vocal to retain some of the tone without having to compress as much, the plugin does it, and because of the way it does it, the sound seems to be more open to my ears...
I like it a lot, for more or less the same reasons George wrote. It can save a lot of work automating channel volume in Logic, in particular, going back and having to hand correct all sorts of little details.

kind regards

I bought it today and gave it a quick work out on a jazz guitar solo. I like it! Any tips for setting the parameters?