Logic Pro 8 What is this!?


Hey all - this is driving me absolutley nuts. My bar numbers are scrambled and my audio window shows some weird font. What cann this possibly be? If I open a new song its ok for awhile and then I think once saved or somewhere during the day it goes nuts again.

Any help greatly appreciated.
(LOgic 7.2.3-Mac OSX-Tiger-MacPro)

--Terry Michael Huud
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Hey all - this is driving me absolutley nuts. My bar numbers are scrambled and my audio window shows some weird font. What cann this possibly be? If I open a new song its ok for awhile and then I think once saved or somewhere during the day it goes nuts again.

Hi Terry,

The first thing I noticed in your screenshot is that your text is all in Hebrew. Did you ever switch to Hebrew at some point, or is your computer using a Hebrew localization? I know that Logic sometimes can get screwed up on multi-language machines, or when the language localization gets changed, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

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Hey guys. Hello Eli,

Hey this new forum formats not so bad. 🙂

Well I didnt change languages. How would I even check for that? And wouldnt it affect EVERYTHING? The wierd thing is - its only my BAR numbers and in the Audio Window. If I take a track FROM the audio window and drop it in the arrange its back to English again... :brkwl:

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Hey guys. Hello Eli,

Hey this new forum formats not so bad. 🙂


Well I didnt change languages. How would I even check for that?

You wouldn't need to check for it; your Finder and everything else would be in a different language. If I were to guess, I'd say you opened some document at some point that used some Hebrew font or something, and rather than it simply registering in Mac OS X as a symbolic font (like Zapf Dingbats or something) it registered as a different localization. So it sounds like things are a bit haywire right now in your system.

My recommendation is that you go into the International Preference pane and try selecting other languages, then re-selecting English. This might be enough to toggle your system back, or it might not. Other than that, I'm not sure. But I hope that helps!

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Yep- i tried that - no go. I even downloaded MONLIGUAL an app to delete all languages except English. Hebrew still prevails in Logics audio window. If it wassnt so darn annoying it would ne hilarious. lol...:errr:
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Well I didnt change languages. How would I even check for that? And wouldnt it affect EVERYTHING? The wierd thing is - its only my BAR numbers and in the Audio Window.

I can understand Bar numbers.
Project Settings/Numbers & Names
Is there a Hebrew Font for Bar numbers? Try choosing something simple like Geneva or Helvetica.

I can't imagine what's going on in the Audio window.....:eeek:
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I have had a similar problem. I sometimes have my time signature denominators all scrambled as well as other info in the transport. Seems to be a variety of fonts - music notation, arabic, others. As far as I can tell it is a corrupt environment or corrupt logic file but I haven't gotten further than guessing that. It happens often with crashed logic files that have been reopened. This is in Logic Pro 8.0.2 OSX 10.4.11

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Eh- i dont know - maybe this will help someone in the future - who knows or I'd let this thread just die out. I have a gut feeling its East Wests PLAY (newest build) I noticed this starting to happen when I substituted PLAY for K2/K3

So I've created a NEW template going back to K2 orchestra and its been a whole day and no wierd corruption. I'll keep going and see whats going on. REcently East west was playing with their fonts and if Im not mistaken their might even be an unreleased beta on this machine. I have to check with my assistant.

I could be wrong... But it always seems to happen when I introduce PLAY into the mix. In fact I had a totally uncorrupted song two weeks ago and when I loaded PLAY Pianos this mess started happening...

If this is the case I dont know what we'll do. MAybe have to run PLAY outside of Logic only.
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Anyone know what the official word is on Logic 8 running on Tiger? Or for that matter Logic 7.2.3 running on Leopard.

I'll probably begrudgingly try and get both 7.2.3 and 8 to live as one on this machine.
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Anyone know what the official word is on Logic 8 running on Tiger? Or for that matter Logic 7.2.3 running on Leopard.

I'll probably begrudgingly try and get both 7.2.3 and 8 to live as one on this machine.

According to the minimum requirements page on the Apple site, Logic 8 will run with OS 10.4.9 (or higher of course) - so you'll be good to go with that on Tiger. And I know people running v.8 on Tiger without problems.

As far as running Logic 7.2.3 on Leopard, it _should_ work fine. But I haven't tried it personally so can't say for sure.
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Anyone know what the official word is on Logic 8 running on Tiger? Or for that matter Logic 7.2.3 running on Leopard.

I'll probably begrudgingly try and get both 7.2.3 and 8 to live as one on this machine.

According to the minimum requirements page on the Apple site, Logic 8 will run with OS 10.4.9 (or higher of course) - so you'll be good to go with that on Tiger. And I know people running v.8 on Tiger without problems.

I can doubly confirm this.

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Logic 8 was fine on Tiger, I ran it until about a year ago when I made the move to Leopard. I find it somewhat faster on Leopard.

kind regards

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thanks Ill have my audio midi guy instal logic 8 next week (if hes avaialble) Im hoping it doesnt mess with Logic 7. Anything I should know? Ive heard horror stories like "all of my Es1 creations dissappeared or all of my key commands need to be re-input, etc.
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thanks Ill have my audio midi guy instal logic 8 next week (if hes avaialble) Im hoping it doesnt mess with Logic 7. Anything I should know? Ive heard horror stories like "all of my Es1 creations dissappeared or all of my key commands need to be re-input, etc.

Be prepared to re-think your key commands. I don't mean to scare you, but the switch from 7 to 8 is a big conceptual change. A lot of keys are "hijacked" by 8 for opening and closing the new tabs in the new Arrange Window. At first you'll want to start changing things around (like I and everyone else did). But after some reflection, you'll come to see that it may be worth the short term pain of sticking with the new key commands in exchange for the long term gain.

And be prepared to rethink you're whole concept of screensets. I had over twenty screen sets in my old pre L8 autoloads. Now I barely use any!

I don't mean to frighten you - just be prepared to challenge some of the assumptions you have had about how you work with the program.

Oh yeah, and back up your key commands, and user settings, and sampler instruments and samples as well before the install. The L8 install is notorious for messing with the factory EXS library.

But it does run fine side by side with L7.
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<< At first you'll want to start changing things around (like I and everyone else did). But after some reflection, you'll come to see that it may be worth the short term pain of sticking with the new key commands in exchange for the long term gain. >>

Eli, Why would that be? i.e. why would one wish to ultimately go with Logics Key Commands? Are you saying people should 'in general' or is it because maybe teachers or those that want to to keep a form of consistency to pupils would rather stick to whats already been devised?

<<And be prepared to rethink you're whole concept of screensets. I had over twenty screen sets in my old pre L8 autoloads. Now I barely use any!>>

You hardly dont use any? I cant imagine being without screen sets! Do you not use any because a.) Logic 8 is really easier to navigate than its predesessor? or b.) You have multiple monitor set-ups that help eliminate the need for screen sets?

<<I don't mean to frighten you - just be prepared to challenge some of the assumptions you have had about how you work with the program. >>

I dont know Eli - you look a little worried in your new avatar! 🙂

<<Oh yeah, and back up your key commands, and user settings, and sampler instruments and samples as well before the install. The L8 install is notorious for messing with the factory EXS library. >>

That goes without saying. But its always good to say!

<<But it does run fine side by side with L7.>>

Well - thats certainly good to hear. After spending a few moments googling Logic7/8 combination it doesnt seem anyone can really settle on which combination works better on what operating system although it 'seems' that most agree that TIGER is the way to go with 7 AND 8 living on the same computer although 8 'may' be a bit more sluggish than if it were on a Leopard machine.
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Eli, Why would that be? i.e. why would one wish to ultimately go with Logics Key Commands? Are you saying people should 'in general' or is it because maybe teachers or those that want to to keep a form of consistency to pupils would rather stick to whats already been devised?

Of course no one "has to" go with them. It's just that there are new assignments in L8 that take over some keys. For example the tab key and shift tab combo are hardwired - you can't reassign them. And there are others that are assigned to the new Arrange Window elements that are very useful and they will likely eat into some of your current assignments. Sure you can reassign them, but you're opening up a whole can of works once you start. It's almost like it's better to either fully acquiesce and absorb the new workflow / key commands. Or stick with your own assignments and just change what you need to as you go to take advantage of the new functions.

And yes, you're right - I teach and do a lot of tech support on Logic, and the uniform key commands are a big plus in that regard. That made switching a no brainer for me personally.

You hardly dont use any? I cant imagine being without screen sets! Do you not use any because a.) Logic 8 is really easier to navigate than its predesessor? or b.) You have multiple monitor set-ups that help eliminate the need for screen sets?

It's because the pop up areas of the Arrange Window cover 90% of my needs. So, rather than switch screen sets, I just toggle the different pop up areas of the Arrange Window. Mainly the sample editor, piano roll editor (formerly known as matrix) the mixer, the event list, the audio bin (formerly known as the audio window), the marker window, tempo list, Score, etc. I can get to all of these easily from the Arrange Window. Sometimes the dedicated editor windows (as opposed to the pop ups in the Arrange Window) have some added functionality, so when I need to I use switch screen sets to use them.

I dont know Eli - you look a little worried in your new avatar! 🙂

Woody Allen is more neurotic than worried 😀
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