Thanks Eli, good idea but not this time, I have used only MIDI until now in Logic and will just have to figure out what audio needs to be used. CSeye, Thank you too, very good suggestions but it is an audio track and the output is Stereo 1-2; there was a warning that no input was chosen but since I imported them from audacity in aiff I don't see what I should stick in the input slot. There are no mutes on anything. I just am not use to using Logic foe what it has been designed to do: mix audio files to make contemporary popular music. I did try Flex time first and it caused the audio to pop and crackle, so I re-imported the same sample and Bounced it in place and that worked. Now I feel the regions are to short, and was re-importing a longer bit from the Audacity file, I think I will try adding long reverb to these regions[they are all the same content-a choir shouting "NO"] without any real tempo other than the tempo of the song, there are no percussion or other strong transients to line up but after the mistake with flex time I am re reading the manuals to see if I can find something so obvious to you and other Pros that you don't bother mentioning it, such as -is aif better than caf,I found many Logic pro help discussions by googling that indicated aif was the best format for this. I have not got C5.5 set up because I use all my free time reading Logic manuals and a visitor once told me he had both but found Logic far better. Thanks again to you both.