Logic Pro 9 Yet another select equal subpositions bug [multiple regions in piano roll]


It appears that select equal subpositions does not work if one is viewing two different tracks in the piano roll at the same time.

Other selection functions, like select all following, do work fine. Just not that.

Is there a list of all the bugs and bizarre behaviors in Logic somewhere - it's a waste of time for each user to discover them all himself.
Isn't "select equal sub positions" a transformer function? I'm not in front of Logic right now, but from memory, it's not a regular edit menu command. Isn't it available only as a command that's carried out within the transformer? In which case, you need to make sure the transformer is set to operate on both regions. Use the "select only" function first in the transformer to verify that it is working on both regions. Then use the "operate" command.
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Isn't "select equal sub positions" a transformer function? I'm not in front of Logic right now, but from memory, it's not a regular edit menu command. Isn't it available only as a command that's carried out within the transformer? In which case, you need to make sure the transformer is set to operate on both regions. Use the "select only" function first in the transformer to verify that it is working on both regions. Then use the "operate" command.

I accessed the function simply by right clicking on a selected note in the piano roll, that brings up a list of options, one of which is select equal subpositions, shortcut shift-P. I didn't enter the Transform menu, not voluntarily anyway.
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I'll check it out a bit later when I am in front of Logic....

Yes, as Pete confirmed, it's directly in the Edit menu and not a transform preset. I'm not sure why it's not working with multiple regions either.....

It works with mutliple regions in the score editor, I blieve it to be a bug as I can't see why it shouldn't work with piano roll.

Haven't checked the event lists, it's probably not that common or to have more than one event list open.
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