Logic Pro 8 zoom/white screen/crash


I have been having a problem for a month or so I can't seem to figure out and it's very frustrating to have to constantly restart Logic 3 or 4 times during a session. The usual scenario is I am zooming regions(mouse button assigned to Control Option) using my Kensington Turbo Mouse Pro and the screen turns white you can still see below the white the arrange page and regions, etc.., then I am unable to save the song, and Logic crashes.

Anyone else here had this experience or may know a solution?

Many thanks!

Alan Hayes

Logic 8.02
Mac Pro Dual 2.8 Quad Core
10GB memory
Apogee Ensemble
Euphonix MC Control
Contour Designs Shuttle Pro
Kensington Turbo mouse Pro
Emagic Unitor 8 MK II
Yes , I'm getting the same problem, not found a workaround other than re-launching Logic.
I'm getting another problem where Logic won't let me save the song as named, but it saves a version of my song with " ~ " appended to the title. eg. Lovesong becomes Lovesong~ . Sometimes it won't save Lovesong~ so it will save Lovesong~~.
Have you had this happen before ?
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