Logic Pro 8 argh had enough of logic 8!! upgrade advice needed

flash gordon

New Member
Hi all ..

Im running logic 8 on a power pc G5 -- ie pre intel chip...on 10.5.

I've had enough of the problems with logic 8 - the random crashes and problems with midi etctc could go on...its got to the point where i can't complete projects and am losing work

I've read that i can upgrade to 9.0 or possibly 9.1.

Is there anyone who can help me with this or advise on the best course of action...

thanks kindly

You will need an intel Mac, Logic is no longer PPC coded. The current version of Logic is 9.1.7, available as full version only, no more upgrades. It is available from the Mac App store for 199.99 USD/149.99 Euros. This includes content. Mainstage and compressor (two other components of Logic Studio) are available separately for 29.99 each. Waveburner, Sound Track Pro are no longer available.

kind regards

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heya thanks mark - appreciate your reply.

This is my fear !! Have no desire (or cash 4 that matter to buy a new Mac but sadly its becoming inevitable...

Is there no way of getting hold of an old hard copy of 9 that you can think of?


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The initial release of Logic Pro 9 will install on a G5. I ran it on a G5 quad core 2.5 until Apple deleted all the PowerPC code. A few of the fixes work, too.

However, you need to get the very first release. My part number is MB798Z/A. I am not positive, but I think if the part number ends in "B" -- it means the PowerPC code has been deleted. The name of the upgrade is Logic Studio 2.0 Upgrade Pro. All the audio components (Logic, Mainstage and Waveburner) install. There is one application for use with Final Cut Pro that will not install on a G5.

Also, the box calls it an upgrade, but it is a full install. You need either a serial number or the dongle from an earlier version.
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